Ages 5 (Kindergarten)
Reading Readiness
Math Concepts
People and Places
Ages 6, 7, 8 (Grades 1-2)
Phonics and Reading Comprehension
Math: Beginners
Ages 9, 10,11 (Grades 3-5)
Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Grammar, Spelling
Math: Intermediate
Ages 12, 13,14 (Grades 6-8)
English and Composition
Math: Advanced
ELA Focus for each grade aligns with these standards:
In K-5, will be a 50-50 balance between informational and literary reading. Informational reading includes content-rich nonfiction in history/social studies, sciences, technical studies, and the arts.
In grades 6-8, literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects ensure that students can independently build knowledge in these disciplines through reading and writing.
The students’ ability to read carefully and grasp information, arguments, ideas, and details based on evidence in the text. Students should be able to answer a range of text-dependent questions, whose answers require inferences based on careful attention to the text. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening will be a focus from K-8 as an important part of every subject.
Math Focus for each grade aligns with these standards:
In grades K–2: Concepts, skills, and problem solving related to addition and subtraction
In grades 3–5: Concepts, skills, and problem solving related to multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions
In grade 6: Ratios and proportional relationships, and early algebraic expressions and equations
In grade 7: Ratios and proportional relationships, and arithmetic of rational numbers
In grade 8: Linear algebra and linear functions
Daily Homeschool Support Classes
All prices are monthly. Payment due on the 1st of the month for the school year. Classes are limited and there is a wait list.
Discover Class
Per Month
5 years old
30 minutes daily on zoom
Reading Readiness
Math concepts
Social Emotional learning
No product
Explore Class
Per Month
6 , 7, 8 years old
1 hr sessions daily on zzom
Social Emotional Learning
No product
Dive Class
Per Month
9, 10 , 11 years old
1 hr sessions daily on zoom
Language Arts
Social Emotional Learning
No product
Soar Class
Per Month
12, 13, 14 years old
1 hr sessions daily on zoom
Entrepreneur Skills
No product